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Surprising ways to display art.

Clare Morgan

Displaying your art can add character to your space, and it doesn’t all need to hang on a wall, there are so many other options to explore. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing!

Stack them, lean them

This can be on the floor with larger pieces for a laid back feel and can be moved around. Great for a flexible damage-free display.

Pop-out picture ledges

Floating shelves can provide a great ledge to place pieces of artwork, these can be added alongside wall-hung pieces to add depth and interest.

Shelve it

Display your artwork on a shelving unit or bookshelf, always a great way to add some space to these areas that can often look crowded and busy, and add some visual intrigue.

Go naked

If you feel brave you can display art unframed using skirt hangers, clipboards, with string from a picture rail, bulldog clips or even bright washi tape borders to stick it straight to the wall. This can work well for office spaces to display cards and prints that inspire as a collection.

Artwork can breathe life into your home, it becomes part of your world. You don’t need vast amounts of space or huge expensive statement pieces, just choose those things that fill you up, bring you joy and start your journey towards becoming a collector.


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